Leader Reader 1, Authentic Lessons in Leadership
Authentic Lessons in Leadership
Former Chief of the Division of Nurse Anesthesia at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Tom Davis says, “This is the “mentor book” I wish I’d had before ever getting on the path to leadership.” I needed a confidante; it’s in the book. I wanted my team to be our team; that’s in the book, too.” Vision, mission, the fine distinction between integrity, honesty and transparency, pathways to leadership, leadership skills, personalities and styles of leadership – it’s all in there. “These pages would have been stuffed in my plastic pocket protector as a constant companion if they’d been available.” Using his 40 years of frontline healthcare, equally divided between USAF and the private sector, Davis has packed five chapters with career stories and lessons learned, along with a modest touch of “my favorite sports history.” You will enjoy the John Wooden story, laugh at the Yogi Berra quotes and remember what happened to Beth. Did you know that an authoritarian is sometimes OK and a charismatic is sometimes not? As the many aspects of leadership unfold, the book clearly reflects Tom Davis’ depth and civility as a leader and as a human being.