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Webinar 2: Values based leadership

Participants will identify their individual values and align them with corporate values.  Those attending this webinar will gain skills in using values to resolve conflict and enhance collaboration in their team.

Webinar 3: Drama in the workplace

Participants will understand the origin of workplace drama and gain skills in addressing and then converting drama to team engagement.

Webinar 4: Effective communication

Participants will learn communication skills to effectively address conflict and encourage team engagement.  Skills will be learned to enhance counseling sessions as well as techniques for conducting a productive meeting.

Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Interactive, values-based teambuilding to enhance results and remove drama from the workplace.  Become an employer of choice by developing talents and building trust within the team.

Nebraska Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Learn to build your team using values based leadership.  Remove drama from the workplace while building trust among your team.