“Tom combines military leadership experience with proven effectiveness as an educator and CRNA leader to create and present dynamic topics”
Capitalize on Tom’s unique ability to combine evidence based practice with his vast personal experience to deliver timely topics to your group.
Use the form at the bottom of this page to request Tom to present interesting, informative and fun topics at your next meeting.
Empower yourself and and build your team

Postoperative cognitive dysfunction
This talk starts with stories of elderly patients who have experienced postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) and how it affected their lives. The domains of cognitive function are describe. The physiologic changes of aging, coexisting diseases, and common medications taken by the elderly are all blended to develop an anesthetic plan least likely to cause POCD.
The pregnant operating room worker
The pregnant operating room worker faces environmental risks and presents management challenges to her boss. This talk separates fact from fiction regarding the pregnant worker and offers tips for reasonable accommodation with an emphasis on collaboration and teambuilding.
Cancer, metastasis and anesthetic technique
Evidence based literature has linked the anesthetic technique used during primary tumor removal with the incidence of recurrence of cancer. This talk provides an overview of cancer, metastasis and then suggests an anesthetic technique that is least likely to support the recurrence of cancer.
Drama in the workplace
The workplace can be a fun and professionally rewarding place to spend time, however, drama can demoralize a team and reduce productivity. This talk addresses the issue of workplace drama and gives practical tips for converting drama into empowerment.
Patient Safety
In 1999 the Institute of Medicine revealed that each year up to 100,000 patients die from preventable medical errors. Now, 20 years later, the numbers are essentially the same. This talk addresses patient safety with particular attention learned by the aviation industry, and offers tips for reducing medical errors.
Elder Anesthesia
Elderly patients are very interesting people who have unique physiologic needs. This talk reviews the physiology of aging, common coexisting diseases and medications frequently taken by older patients. The talk is drawn together with the development of a care plan that is least likely to cause postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
Machines, vaporizers and agents.
This talk takes us back to anesthesia 101 where we became experts on the equipment that we use. Reviewing the basics is important for those who are preparing for NBCRNA recertification and a good review for every provider at the head of the table.
Anesthesia Potpourri
There are many interesting topics related to anesthesia that do not warrant a full hour lecture. This talk is a fast-moving series of elevator style mini-talks on subjects that will pique your interest.
Mentoring; the key to staff development
Leaders want to have a happy and productive team functioning in a preferred workplace. Professional development is essential and mentoring is the key ingredient in the process. This talk gives an overview of the importance of mentoring and offers practical tips for empowering your team through and effective mentoring program.
Social media in anesthesia
Social media is engrained into our way of life both on the job and at home. This talk gives an overview of social media and the common platforms that we use. Both the benefits and hazards of using social media on the job are discussed as well as apps that are intended to help us treat patients and streamline workflow. The AANA position statement on social media is reviewed and the audience is given tips for developing policies for appropriate use of social media on the job.
How to get the right job
There are a lot of jobs to choose from, but it’s not always easy to find the right job in an empowering environment and with a supportive boss. This talk provides timely tips on finding the right job, assessing the workplace, preparing the application and hitting a home run during the interview.
Technology in Anesthesia
Since the first anesthetic given in 1864, there has been an ongoing evolution of technology in anesthesia. This talk traces the major technology breakthroughs that have brought our practice to where it is today. The talk continues with a look into the future with emphasis on artificial intelligence and pharmacogenetics.