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Chief CRNAs are Team Builders

Chief CRNAs are Team Builders

By Thomas Davis, CRNA

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”  ― Margaret Mead

As CRNAs we live and work in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.   The mandate to provide more care for more people at a lower cost combined with increased Federal regulations has introduced both stress and uncertainty into the healthcare industry. New challenges have emerged in the healthcare workplace.     Value based reimbursement, systems team-buildingintegration, and regulatory changes are but a few of the issues that are stressing the status quo.   Now more than ever, having a staff of fully engaged, cost effective workers is essential to the survival of the organization.

CRNA leadership on the local level is more important now than at any time in history as hospitals adjust to the new reality of regulation and reimbursement.   With safety and outcome metrics being publicly reported and reimbursement being tied to patient safety and satisfaction, it is essential to have the right people providing patient care.   As highly skilled, cost effective front line providers of anesthesia, CRNAs are regarded as leaders in the operating room.   We are in a unique position to make a difference on a daily basis not only with patient outcomes but also with the overall success of the institution.

Chief CRNAs across the country play an important role at the intersection of the operating room and the larger institution.      CRNA leaders are challenged with putting together a team that will provide a positive experience for the patient within the financial limitations of the Hospital.   Selecting the right people and having them fully engaged is an ongoing challenge for managers. As Chief CRNAs, we must look beyond the fact that a person has a license and wants to work. We must carefully select the right people who will be fully engaged in their work and raise the bar on patient safety and satisfaction.   The following are tips for selecting the right people to join your team:

Set a greater goal for your group.   Have a meeting with your current CRNA group and discuss the mission, vision, and core values of the larger organization.   Share your personal vision and values with your group and then listen carefully as you discuss your vision with them.   Take the initiative to develop a written vision statement for your CRNA group with a list of core values.   The vision and values that you share must become the foundation when interviewing applicants for a new position.   Develop interview questions to determine the applicant’s alignment with your vision and values.   The person may be an accomplished anesthetist however if they do not align with your vision and values they are not a good match for your group.

Describe your leadership style and how it aligns with organizational leadership.   Literature from business management states that the traditional top down “captain of the ship” leadership style blocks creativity and engagement.   In healthcare as in the private sector, shared governance “serving leader” style of management promotes creativity and engagement.   Take the initiative to learn about serving leadership and develop a one on one relationship with each member of your group. A sincere desire to promote the career of each person will lead to CRNA engagement which translates into improved patient safety and satisfaction. An applicant who views you as a serving leader and a person who will promote his/her individual career will be eager to share your vision and will give 100% on the job.

Discuss all of the positives and negatives related to the job.   It is unfair to both you and the new employee for surprises to emerge after they start working.   The applicant should walk away from the interview with a clear knowledge of your expectations. If there are less desirable assignments or shifts, the applicant should know before they agree to join your group.

Communication is essential.   In this era of instant messaging and 24/7 access to texting, email and internet, it is possible to avoid basic one on one communication.   As a manager, you need open and honest, face to face, two way dialogue with each employee. If you have problems communicating with the applicant at interview, you will also have problems later.   Patient satisfaction is founded on connecting with healthcare providers. Your new employee must have the communication skills needed to connect with each and every patient.   In addition, conflict is inherent within any healthcare team.   It is equally important that your new hire have the skills to have constructive conversations with difficult physicians.   At interview, ask the applicant about times when they have connected with patients as well as times that they have disagreed with physicians.   If they can not have positive interactions in difficult situations, they may not be a match for your group.

Not every skilled CRNA is a good match for your team.   When you have a clear vision of your goals, have an empowering leadership style, and clearly communicate your expectations, you will be able to determine the right candidate for your position.   At the end of the interview, the applicant will know your expectations and will be able to commit to your vision before accepting the position. When both the manager and the new hire agree on the greater goal up front, the road to success has been paved.